25 Things You Don't Know About Me

25 Things You Don’t Know About Me And Probably Don’t Care To

Writing on Big House in the Woods is one of my most favorite things to do. Over time, I have shared many stories from our life and how we got to where we are today.

I thought I would take a minute to share a few fun facts about me so you can get to know me even better.

Here goes…

1. Someday, I want to live in a school bus and travel the United States. I don’t know why but converting a school bus into an RV and living in it full time sounds like a blast! …even though I don’t like to camp.

2. I used to be a First Grade teacher.

3. After dating for 2 weeks, The Man and I knew we wanted to get married but we waited 4 months just so our parents wouldn’t flip out.

4. One winter, we lived in a small camper on 10 acres we own. We had a ton of fun but living in a camper, during the winter, is a little tough.

5. One time, we went on 5 cruises in one year…just because we could. Two of those cruises were “back-to-back.” That means, we took one cruise and when everyone else got off when the cruise was over, we stayed on a went again.

6. I love to weedeat. There’s something about the instant gratification of the grass being immediately short that makes me love it.

7. I’m a mediocre gardener but, for some reason, I keep trying. I even recorded a hilarious video about it one summer.

8. I want to spend a Fall in Maine. I have know idea what we’ll do but I’m sure it will involve maple syrup.

9. I homeschool our children. We even have a homeschool “classroom.” It’s my absolute favorite room in the house!

10. I can make the most amazing homemade hamburger buns and homemade mayo. Timothy says it beats a burger from Guy’s Burger Joint all to pieces. If you’ve ever had one of those burgers on a Carnival Cruise ship, then you know what he’s talking about. They are amazing! But he likes mine better. 🙂

11. I love to build things for my kids. I have built a huge doll house, a log crayon organizer, a car road table, a play kitchen…the list goes on.

DIY Toy Car Road Table

12. We paid off our first and only mortgage in 13 months.

13. I love to look up at the sky because it makes me feel small.

14. My favorite meal is fajitas on the beach in Cozumel, Mexico. Every time we go to our favorite spot in Cozumel, that’s what I order.

15. I would love to RV through Canada.

16. Many years ago, we went through a fish tank phase and learned everything we could about being good fish owners. Then, we bought 5 fish tanks and had fish for over 2 years (and a few crabs that we rescued from the local big box store because they weren’t keeping them right). After that, I’ll never have fish again. It’s hard work to do it right!

17. The Man and I hope to live in Portugal one day. Sounds random , doesn’t it?

18. My favorite color is blue and I have painted something blue in every house we have ever owned. In our Dream House, our son’s bedroom ceiling is blue.

19. I learn best if I’m doodling while listening. That drove my college professors crazy! It could also have been because the smell of my markers was so nauseating after an hour of doodling through a lecture.

20. I can do pretty amazing graphic design work with Microsoft Word and my graphic designer husband rolls his eyes every time I say that.

21. I looove warm prune juice. Don’t you?

22. In elementary school, I would wear a dress on P.E. day so I wouldn’t have to participate. If you mention getting a game of kickball together…I’m gone.

23. When we go anywhere, I make announcements like a tour bus driver as we travel down the road. If I forget to do it, my husband and kids beg me to do it because they love it. They even ask me to do it when we ride in our UTV through our woods.

24. I’m terrible at grammar and punctuation…but, I’m sure you have figured that out by now.

25. I’m not tempted my fads or the latest trends. They don’t impress me much. You won’t find me on Tik-Tok and I don’t own skinny jeans.

You made it to the end!

I would love to hear about YOU! Feel free to leave me a comment with a fun fact about you!

Have a great day!