Cheap things for self-care at home? Really? Yes! When many people think of practicing self-care, they think of expensive spa days and weekly mani-pedis at the salon.
But what if you want cheap things for self-care at home without missing out on anything?
I’m here to tell you that it can be done because I’ve been doing it for over 10 years! Today, I will tell you about my favorite cheap things for self-care at home so you can feel like a million bucks.
So, the next time you are practicing Self-Care Sunday (or any day for that matter) you’ll know exactly how to pamper yourself!
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #1:
Exercise with a Personal Trainer for LIFE for Under $15
Exercise doesn’t have to mean a gym membership. I have never had a gym membership and I work out nearly every weekday. All you need for an awesome workout is a set of hand weights, a mat (if you’re working out on a hard surface), and Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred DVD.
I’m telling you; I work out with Jillian Michaels 4-5 days a week and she will kick your tail. Her 30-day Shred DVD has 3 different levels. So, if you feel like you have mastered Level 1, you can move on to a more challenging workout. I’m here to tell you though, that Level 1 is no joke.
All throughout the workouts, Jillian explains how to customize the workouts to your specific needs. For example, I’ve learned to be careful with my knees. My family has a history of knee replacements and I don’t want to enter the ranks of those who have been through it. So, I alter some of the movements to be easier on my knees.
It’s literally like having a personal trainer in my own living room. The best part is that I bought the DVD one time and I can use it over and over. There are no reoccurring fees.
Get yours here: Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #2:
Good Sleep is Free
If you want to take care of yourself then you need to get good sleep. You’ve heard it a thousand times but it’s true. As a mother to three, I know what it’s like to lose sleep. Not to mention that I get up at 5 a.m. to blog every morning (you’re welcome!). I’ve spent more nights than I can count with restless legs while pregnant, rocking a baby to sleep for the 15th time, or sitting up wide awake because I can’t calm my mind down.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to set up a restful and calming sleeping environment. According to, there are 5 things you need to do to set up the perfect sleeping environment.
How to Set-Up a Restful Sleeping Environment
1. Keep the Bedroom a Place of Rest
Don’t allow the bedroom to become an office, a playroom, or a TV room.
2. Ideal Temperature
Keeping the room at a constant, ideal temperature will help you get and stay asleep.
3. Comfortable Bed
As with most anything in life, what’s “right” for you (and your back, your posture, your comfort) is specific to your body. However, research has shown that supple mattresses may be more conducive to a good night’s rest versus a firmer one.
4. Keep the Clock Out of Sight
If a clock is visible, you may find yourself staring at it or waking up periodically to look at it.
5. No Lights
Remember that a dark bedroom can help your body “know” it’s time for rest.
Read the full article from GetMoSleep here. They have tons of insight into how to create the best sleeping space possible.

Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #3.
Eat Healthy for Cheap
You hear it all the time. The best way to practice self-care is to eat right.
The best way to practice self-care without raiding the entire expensive organic section of the grocery store is to eat as healthy as you can for as cheap as you can.
This means you need to eat the Clean 15 and avoid the Dirty Dozen.
Eating like this enabled us to pay off our first and only mortgage in 13 months. We save HUNDREDS on groceries every month.
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #4
Drink What You’ve Already Paid For
Here’s the deal: you already have water coming out of your tap at home. So, drink it. If you want to take a bottle of water with you, PLEASE don’t buy bottled water. I mean, honestly.
Buy a stainless steel reusable water bottle, fill it up, and be on your way. Don’t be fooled by expensive water bottles either. All you need is a good quality bottle like this one.
We prefer to filter our water with a Berkey Water Purifying System. It’s cheaper per gallon than using a cheap Brita pitcher and filters out so much more. We have had our Berkey for over 11 years now and we have only replaced the filters once.
A Berkey is a higher upfront cost than a small pitcher filter, but it will give you better water and cost you less over time.
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #5
Be Proactive About Your Health
When cold and flu season sets in, we don’t sit around waiting for sickness to hit us. Instead, we choose to be proactive, take care of our bodies, and stay healthy. Because of that, we haven’t been sick in a looooong time.
So, what can you do to help your body stay healthy through those sickly winter months?
You can make homemade elderberry syrup and take garlic!
If you’re like, “Whaaattt?”
You can check out the full scoop about elderberry syrup here. Just buy the berries, make the syrup, and enjoy. It’s that easy. I have a full post about how to make homemade elderberry syrup and why you should. It’s totally not complicated. I promise. As a homemaker, homeschooling mom to three kids, a blogger, and a freelance writer…I don’t have time for complicated.
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #6
Make Homemade Bath Salts
I’ll be the first to say that sometimes only a hot bath can fix how you feel whether physical or mental. I have spent so many nights awake with restless legs through pregnancy or aching from working so hard while building our debt-free dream home, that only a hot bath with homemade bath salts can help my tired body.
My favorite recipe is from Mommypotamus. I have trusted Heather from Mommypotamus for years and her homemade bath salts recipe does not disappoint! She will even tell you the science behind why these homemade bath salts help.
Yep, this recipe is backed by science.
Homemade bath salts are very simple to make and are very effective. They are the perfect way to practice self-care on a budget. They are also one of the BEST cheap self-care ideas out there!
You can check out my favorite recipe from Mommypotamus here.
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #7
Easy Yogurt Face Mask
I’m not the frequent face mask type. I think they have always seemed too complicated to me.
You know when you see ladies get those green face masks on the movies and they put cucumber slices on their eyes? Then before the scene is over, their face mask is drying and cracking and everything just seems so unpleasant.
I think that’s where I got turned off.
However, I have discovered something new! Easy Yogurt Face Masks! This tops the chart for the best cheap self-care idea!
The only ingredient is organic plain yogurt. You can add a little honey if you want but this frugal gal won’t…unless I get to eat it, I won’t be adding my precious honey!
So, when you’re relaxed in your hot bath with the homemade bath salts from above, gently cover your face with organic yogurt.
It will moisturize, hydrate, and exfoliate your skin! It even reduces inflammation.
Oh, don’t forget to wash it off…
Read the full benefits of a Yogurt Face Mask here.
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #8
Homemade Sugar Scrub for Your Hands and Feet
I don’t know about all of you, but Winter is terrible on my hands.
It’s sad to say but they get so dry then they crack and bleed. I can assure you that it doesn’t look very feminine!
The ONLY things I have found that fix my terrible hands are my homemade sugar scrub and raw shea butter.
This is how I made my Homemade Sugar Scrub:
1 cup granulated sugar
½ cup oil
essential oils if you want (I like lavender)
Mix it up and store it in an airtight jar.
To use it, get your hands wet then get about a tablespoon of the sugar scrub in your hands.
Rub the sugar scrub all over your hands thoroughly then rinse off.
You will LOVE how soft and moisturized your hands feel afterward!
BONUS: Pumpkin Pie Scrub
I found an awesome recipe for Pumpkin Pie Scrub over at Suburban Simplicity. Check it out here!
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #9
Whiten Your Teeth with Activated Charcoal
This is one of my favorite hacks. It should actually be at the top of the “cheap things for self-care at home” list.
Did you know you can make your own teeth whitener?
That’s right! You don’t have to use those nasty chemicals or strips you see at the store.
I have used this recipe and it’s fabulous! One Crazy Mom has everything you need to know. Check her out here!
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #10
Sugar Cookie Lip Scrub
Y’all. Honestly.
What more needs to be said about this sugar cookie lip scrub besides SUGAR. COOKIE. LIP. SCRUB??
We love this scrub!
Winter is so hard on our lips. My kids have an especially rough time. I’m working hard to convince them that licking their lips only makes it worse.
As an adult, I know that. But, it doesn’t change the fact that the dry winter air makes my lips feel terrible.
That’s why I reach for this lip scrub!
Wellness Mama has my favorite recipe. You can check it out here!
Lip scrubs really help to exfoliate the build up of dead skin that gives lips that crusty, gummy feel. Not only are you getting rid of the gunk on your lips, but the oils and honey in this help to nourish the delicate skin on this facial area.
Wellness Mama
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #11
The Best Bar Shampoo
Buying a shampoo that’s good for you instead of detrimental to your health is essential.
I have been using organic shampoo for over 10 years. However, recently, I became unhappy with the cost vs. quantity ratio.
I wanted MORE shampoo for my money.
I did a little research and came across J.R. Liggett’s Shampoo Bars.
I LOVE these bars. The cost is about the same as what I was paying or organic shampoo BUT they last longer AND they have less ingredients.
I have long hair so you can trust me with this shampoo recommendation. If I say it’s good, then it’s good!
So, what are you waiting for? Go grab a few bars here!
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home tip #12
DIY Manicure and Pedicure
Now, don’t you know that Martha Stewart can tell you EXACTLY how to do a DIY Manicure and Pedicure at home?
Of course she can! She has an entire slide show all about it!
I can’t personally recommend any of the products that she references because I haven’t tried them. Plus, if they aren’t frugal purchases, I wouldn’t recommend them anyway. BUT, her methods are excellent.
You can view her awesome slide show here.
Cheap Things for Self-Care at Home
If you have anymore ideas, drop them in the comment box below!
All the best,
#cheapselfcareideas #selfcaresunday #bestcheapselfcareidea #cheapthingsforselfcareathome
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